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Konro grill, from mini to large size

Getting started at home with the konro grill!

Looking for a nice konro grill at a competitive price? We have them! The konro grill is becoming increasingly popular. Why? It's tasty, fun to do and social.

In Japan, this form of BBQ is immensely popular. You can find the konro grill on every street corner there. On this Japanese BBQ you prepare traditional Japanese chicken skewers, known as Yakitori. But you can cook much more on it. Think beef, fish, shellfish or vegetables. Everything from this grill gets a delicious, pure BBQ flavour.

Our references

This is what you can do with the Konro Grill


Grill chicken yakitori style and sear tender, thin slices of Wagyu!

Fish & shellfish

Grill shellfish or fish directly. Delicious! Taste the pure flavours!

Fruit & vegetables

Grill vegetables or even fruit. Lacquer it and be amazed at the taste!

The special Japanese konro grill

This table grill was developed in Japan in the 18th century. At first, they were used as heating appliances. Later, it was discovered that the grills could not only serve as heaters but were also ideal for preparing Yakitori and other preparations. A Japanese-style grill is made of diatomaceous earth. This material can withstand extreme heat and holds that heat extremely well. When using this grill, the meat is placed only a few centimetres above the charcoal. As a result, the juice of the meat drips down to the grill and evaporates incredibly quickly. This vapour then soaks into the meat, giving it a delicious smoky flavour.

Binchotan charcoal

When you start using the Japanese grill, you need a special type of charcoal: Binchotan charcoal. This charcoal is made from a special Japanese oak, the Ubame oak. This charcoal is only produced in the south-west of Japan. Local people here make the charcoal by hand in large clay ovens. They then pull the moisture out of the wood very slowly, making the charcoal incredibly hard. This ensures that this solid charcoal burns much longer than any other charcoal. Because the product is a bit more expensive, it is recommended to use this charcoal only for the Japanese table grill and in small quantities.

Order your own konro grill

Would you like to prepare the tastiest chicken skewers or other types of meat or fish on your own Konro Grill from now on? Then order it from us! We have a wide range of high-quality konro grills. This page "Other Konro Grills" lists our yakitori grills that are suitable for home use or occasional use in the catering industry. Do you want to grill professionally with this BBQ? Then go for these Diatomite Konro Grill.

You can find all our 100% original, Japanese Konro grills here.

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